Everything about L-Style Flights

16 Mar 2023

L-style Flights

As an avid darter, you've probably seen them around while shopping for darts: L-style Flights. L-Style is an innovative Japanese darts manufacturer of all kinds of unique darts accessories. According to the manufacturer, everything revolves around the L: "The L in L-style is for love, life, luck and many more wonderful L's. We named our brand "L-style" in the hope that darts can be of any help conveying love and peace to the world." So a brand with heart for darts. But what makes their products like the L Style Flight so special?

What makes L-Style flights special?

What sets L-style flights apart from the vast majority of flights on the market, is that L-style flights are molded dart flights. This makes the flights, consisting of one piece of plastic, sturdy and always have a perfect 90° angle between the four wings. Normal flights will always vary slightly in this respect, giving L Style flights a slight advantage in terms of consistency. The material also makes them a lot more durable than normal flights, so you can last longer without buying new flights.

How do L-Style flights work?

The L-style flights come in two variants: the normal L-style flight and the EZ variant. The difference here lies in the unique way of attaching L-style flights. Because they are a molded and solid flight, you slide them as a whole into the nylon shaft.

With the normal L Style flight, such as the L Style Champagne pro flights, you insert a champagne ring into the flight before sliding it into the shaft. These clamp the flight to the shaft from the center and prevent so-called Robin Hoods, where the tip of one dart is thrown into the flight of another dart. These rings come in different variants, both steel and nylon. With the EZ variant of the flights, this ring is already built into the flight, so you only need to slide them into the shaft, as with the L-style Champagne EZ Standard White.

The L-style flights come in no less than six shapes: Standard, Teardrop, Shape, Kite, Rocket and Slim. There are also other shapes, such as the Big Wing shape for Jelle Klaasen.

In addition to the L-style flights, we also sell special L-style cases and L Style shafts. The unique shape of the cases gives space to safely store a set of darts. They are made so that longer shafts and larger flights also fit safely. These cases are available in a wide range of colors and styles so that every darter will have one that suits his or her personal taste. An L Style shaft such as the L Style Laro is suitable for any standard darts flight. There are also other variants of it such as the Laro Spin shaft, which can spin to prevent Robin Hoods and allow closer grouping.

Have you tried the L-Style Flights yet? Then don't forget to leave a review with your product, we are very curious about your opinion of the L-style Flights! Also subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with offers and more innovations in the darts world.

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