Darts distance

10 Mar 2023

The dartboard distance or darts distance is the distance between the throwline and the dartboard. According to the regulations of darts distance, there is a fixed distance between the dartboard and the throwline.
Did you know that the distance has a great impact on the way you throw, thus the dart results can be different from when you throw from another range than the fixed range.

Dart board measurements

The dartboard distance according to the regulations of darts distance is 2,37 meters (7’ 9’’). This is also how most dart clubs have measured their dartboard distance. So if you have enough space at home you should try to keep the dartboard measurements in this blog.

The height of the dartboard has also a fixed height according to the regulations, like the darts distance the height of the dartboard has also impact on your dart results. So to be consistent in your throws you should follow the right dartboard height and distance measurements.
The height of the bull's eye needs to be 1,73 meters (5’ 8’’) from the ground.

Dart throwing distance

The dart throwing distance can be marked when your dartboard is set up just as the regulations. It can be marked with these types of products: Oche and Dart mats.
To conclude, the dart distance has a significant effect on your dart results and decides how the darts are landing onto the dartboard.

So to prevent being not consistent in throwing your darts, you should follow the official dart distances that will maybe help you become the next Michael van Gerwen.

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